
Iron Sharpens Iron Men’s Breakfast

All men are invited to come and feast on a wonderful meal and the Word of God this Saturday, May 4th beginning at 7:00 AM.  Please sign up at the Info Booth so we know how much food to prepare.  We look forward to seeing you!

Fellowship at the Field House

Mark your calendars and make plans to join us for fellowship, food, and fun on June 19th, July 17th, and August 14th from 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM at the Field House.  Hot dogs, all the fixings, and drinks will be provided.  Please bring a side dish or dessert to share.  We have reserved the pool and indoor soccer field, so invite your friends and come prepared.  Please note that these off-site fellowship events will take the place of our regularly scheduled Wednesday Night Bible Study on the dates listed above.


Everyone is invited to our annual summer baptism at Ridgway Lake on Sunday, June 23rd beginning at 1:30 PM.  Remember to bring your own lunch and chairs.  A daily vehicle pass for the park is $10, so we recommend carpooling if possible.  Please sign up at the Info Booth if you plan to attend, even if you are not getting baptized, so we can provide the Park Service with an estimated headcount.  Hope to see you there!

Baby Bottle Fundraiser

Just a reminder that Mother’s Day is the final collection day for Life Choices’ annual Baby Bottle Fundraiser.  Please return your bottles (filled or not) to Life Choices or the Church Office by Sunday, May 12th.

Security Ministry Volunteers Wanted

Our Security Ministry is looking for able-bodied men and women, age 21 and older, who are willing to answer the call to protect our congregation during services on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings.  Training will be provided.  If you are interested in volunteering, please see Stephanie Martin, Robert McGowen, or Ted Valerio.

Come Drink The Water Podcast

Listen to Pastor Ben’s verse-by-verse teachings through the Bible anytime on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.  Search for his program, Come Drink the Water, and stream, subscribe, and share.

Sermon Videos

Can’t make it to church this week?  Or maybe you would like to review a past sermon that really spoke to you.  We invite you to visit us on YouTube and Facebook for live streams and video recordings of our main services.

Prayer Requests

If you have a prayer request, please fill out a form found on the Foyer tables and drop it in an Agape Box or Contact us online.